Giorgio Ventre is Full Professor of Information Processing Systems at the University of Naples Federico II; Scientific Director of the iOS Developer Academy University of Naples Federico II; President of Campania NewSteel.
The research activity of Giorgio Ventre is in the sector of information processing systems and telecommunications networks according to the following main fields:

  • Parallel programming languages
  • Distributed Operating Systems
  • Network Architectures for Multimedia Applications
  • Multimedia applications
  • Wireless Applications and Systems
  • Traffic and Network Engineering
  • IT Security
  • Characterization and analysis of Internet traffic
  • New Network Architectures for Service Resilience
  • Internet governance and development

In all these fields, Giorgio Ventre has developed cutting-edge research, producing results that are considered among the most important in the related areas.
In the course of his research, Giorgio Ventre favored the creation of several start-ups.
In particular, the following are mentioned: Tipic, Meetecho (, NM2 and Interwine (

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