Giovanni Breglio graduated in Electronic Engineering cum laude at University of Naples Federico II on 1990. In 1994 he graduated the PhD degree. He is Full Professor of Electronic Engineering in Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of University of Naples Federico II, where he manages and coordinates the Laboratory of Optoelectronics at DIETI.

His main scientific activities are manly in the areas of Power Electronic Devices development and characterization, and the design and optimization of optoelectronic devices and Fiber Optic Sensor systems. On these topics he is author or coauthor of more than 170 among journal and proceedings articles. He is owner of eleven international patents. 

He was coordinator of the Research Unit of Napoli within several international project of research with the main international companies in the field of Optoelectronic and Power Electronic, among them are:

  • DILAMP European Project (end 2000), 
  • MIUR-PRIN Project, (end 2000)
  • Regional Project 3.17 POR Campania 2000-2006 (end 2010)
  • PON Innovazione e Ricerca 2003-2007 PON01 (end 2015)

He has been also responsible for several scientific research agreements with external organizations or companies, among them, the most important are: the CIRA (Italian Aerospace Research Centre in Capua), ST Microelectronics Catania, IRCI Turin and VISHAY Turin.

Prof. Breglio is Co-founder and owner of two technological Spin-off companies: Optosmart srl ( and Optoadvace srl

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